Home education diary, January-June 2004
Daniel bought an electric guitar with his birthday/Christmas money, and started teaching himself some basic techniques. The boys both did a fair number of ACE paces - once again feeling a bit more inspired after a lengthy break in December. Piano and clarinet lessons resumed, and also Daniel's drumming lessons, which he very much enjoys. He seems to be progressing rapidly.
We finally sent in Daniel's ACE/NCSC level 1 letter of completion to the board in the UK. Eventually this will give him the certificate that's equivalent to five good GCSEs. One milestone passed! He's in lots of rehearsals for the teenage theatre group play 'The Musicians', so not doing much more with ACE at present. He'd like to finish level 2 by the summer as he's going to work with Antidote Theatre after that.
Daniel had a clarinet lesson with his teacher's son, who's out from Greece. He said it was wonderful; he's been getting a bit frustrated with his lessons ever since he took the Grade 5 exam last year. Most of the town band don't really want to play seriously beyond this level, and he rarely seem to get much of a lesson. He's primarily teaching himself.
Daniel took the Guildhall Drama grade 8 exam, and passed with honours, yet again. This is equivalent to an A-level, apparently, so if he ever does want to go to university it will be very useful.
The boys went on camp with the inter-church youth group, then almost immediately afterwards Dan went away for a few days with the Municipal Band to the Czech Republic. I was a bit worried about this - he's one of the youngest, after all - but it's quite a family-orientated band, and they looked after him well. He had a good time. However we seem to have got right out of the habit of doing any ACE work. Tim does a bit in his bedroom each morning, but very easily gets distracted.
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