Here are a few photos showing our family, our house, and life
here in Cyprus in 1999. You should be able to click on any of them to
get bigger pictures.
Daniel reading by the heater
In January
we use the kerosene heater quite a bit of the time. This year it was
quite sunny but still distinctly chilly, so we ran the heater during
the daytime as well as the evenings. Our cat Cleo loved to sit in front
of it, and Daniel enjoyed lying next to her, reading. We never needed
to worry about literacy in our home education, because both the boys
read avidly! |
Weeds in our garden
Now the rain had started, even though it was sporadic,
the garden turned greener almost every day with a wide variety of
weeds. We didn't want to use weedkiller (as recommended) so we used a
strimmer to keep the worst of them down and to give a vaguely lawn-like
appearance. I did try to do some weeding but it seemed like a
never-ending task!> |
Tim playing guitar and singing
Tim had been taking guitar lessons since September and
by February
was able to play and sing simple songs from various books. We enjoyed
hearing him singing from time to time - note the Cypriot classical
style, holding the guitar on the left knee rather than the more usual
Western-style right knee.> |
Beach at Larnaka
- In the summer the sea-front at Larnaka is covered
with tourists, but in the winter it lies empty. Sea-weed gathers in the
stormier weather, and after this is collected (we assume for farms) the
sand looks clean and fresh, ready for the next season. Sometimes we go
for walks along the sea-front on the sunnier days.
Our new kittens
It wasn't what we planned, but Cleo had other ideas -
and in the last week of February she gave birth to three kittens. Here
they are in early March
when their eyes had opened and they were beginning to take an interest
in the world. We called them One, Two and Three at first, but this soon
changed to Sophia, Jemima and Tigger. Sophia was clearly very
intelligent, Jemima waddled like a puddleduck, and Tigger was the most
bouncy. |
A rose in our garden in Cyprus
We were a bit surprised to find a rose-bush in our
front garden; it looked a bit straggly but we watered it in the summer
and pruned the worst parts away. To our amazement a beautiful rose
bloomed in March
- Richard took this photograph. Just as well because it was the only
really good rose! |
Cleo takes the kittens exploring
Early in April
Cleo decided her kittens were old enough to go outside. So she
carefully herded them out of the back door and down the steps. She was
an extremely good mother despite being so young - we think she was
probably only about seven months old when she had them. The kittens
loved playing on the patio and discovering such exciting things as a
coiled hosepipe and leaves blowing around in the wind. |
The beach at Kiti
We had more than one set of visitors this spring,
including some in the Easter holidays in April. We took the
opportunity to have some time off, and visited Kiti one day where the
boys - with assistance - built a large sandcastle on the otherwise
deserted bech. Here's the preparation stage, with a ring of stones
marking out the boundaries. |
Sophia and Jemima
Sadly Tigger, the youngest kitten, became ill and died
in April despite my best efforts at nursing him and some medication
from the vet. We were devastated, but this did persuade us that we
should keep the other two rather than finding homes for them. Here they
are one May
afternoon climbing on my lap. |
Flower festival in Larnaka
Every May,
apparently, there is a flower festival in Larnaka with several
organisations producing the most amazing floats out of flowers. They
then parade along the sea-front one Sunday eevning. Richard took this
picture of a really stunning display amongst the entries. |
Tim sings with his guitar
At last - after nearly two years here- we discovered
that there are other home educators in Cyprus! We were invited to an
'end-of-year' event in June
hosted by one of the families in Limassol. All the students had the
opportunity to display some work, or talk about what they'd done, or
play an instrument; Tim decided to sing the song 'Abba, Father'
accompanied classical-style on his guitar. |
Jemima learns about the computer
As the kittens grew up, they wanted
to join in more and more of whatever we were doing. Jemima, who seemed
to become most attached to me, was particularly interested in my
computer. Here she is sitting on the keyboard, watching the printer and
wondering how she can make it all work... |
'Twelfth Night' at Kurium in Cyprus
Every year in July
there is a Shakespearian production put on at the Kurium amphitheatre,
just outside Limassol. This year the play was 'Twelfth Night', and we
took the opportunity to go and see it. This photo shows the stage at
sunset (much earlier here than in the UK) when the play was about to
begin. |
Campsite at Troodos
The boys and I spent three weeks in the Troodos
mountains at a course run by Richard's work organisation for newcomers
- even though we had by now been here nearly two years! It was lovely
to get out of the heat and humidity of Larnaka to a cooler and dryer
atmosphere. |
Yogurt ice-creams
One of our favourite places in Larnaka itself is the
yogurt ice-cream shop near St Lazarus Church. Here we can choose
different combinations of fruit which are whipped with frozen yogurt to
create a most delicious concoction - and it has the added benefit of
being 95% fat-free! Here are Daniel and Timothy in August trying out
yet another variety. |
Jemima trying to keep cool
Summer in Cyprus isn't much fun for cats with their
fur coats, although they moulted heavily. They spent their time trying
to find places to stay cool, and were particularly keen on our rattan
bookcases. Here's Jemima looking most uncomfortable lying across some
CDs. |
Completed jigsaws
It was too hot to do anything much during July and
August, so we got out some of our 1000-piece jigsaws and did them
slowly on the dining room table. At mealtimes we simply covered them
over with a big tablecloth. By September,
though, we wanted to use the table in the mornings for home education
work so we put all the puzzles away - but not until I'd taken a photo
to show that we really did do them! |
Tim building with Lego
Over the years we've built up quite a collection of
Lego, and it was another activity which the boys enjoyed doing -
sometimes with friends - during the warmer weather. Here's Tim deeply
involved in something complicated.. |
The amphitheatre at Kurium in Cyprus
We discovered that - when there isn't a theatre
production going on - the amphitheatre at Kurium is part of a historic
site that can be visited. In October
we had yet more visitors, and spent a day there seeing mosaics and the
remants of a large villa as well as exploring the amphitheatre. |
Swings at the Salt Lake Park in Larnaka
In Larnaka itself the Salt Lake provides an
interesting feature all year round, and the park next to it is
excellent for a short walk or bike ride. There are even some swings
amongst the trees, which Tim and a friend are enjoying in this picture.
Bat-and-ball game
Daniel wanted to buy a bat-and-ball game but we were
unable to find anything of the sort in Cyprus - so in November he used
some creativity and built his own. The base is from a parasol, weighted
with water; the pole is from an old broom, the string was lying around
on a shelf somewhere,and the ball is an old tennis ball. It worked
pretty well, too. |
Computer dissection
At eleven, Tim was showing considerable interest in
electronics and particularly computers. Since I know nothing at all
about this topic, Richard spent some time teaching him the basics. Here
he is one evening supervising while Tim begins to take apart an old
computer salvaged from the office. |
Christmas concert in Larnaka
Each year the inter-church choir organise a concert in
the town hall. Here they are in December
- Tim is part of the choir, as always, and Daniel is playing his
clarinet on the left of the photograph. At one point it looked as
though he might not be able to play, since he broke his arm earlier in
the month; however the doctor managed to cut away some of the cast to
enable him to join in. |
Daniel and Sophia
We returned to the UK for Christmas 1999 and the
Millennium, although planning to return in February. Various people
were looking after our house and cats in our absence, but we were still
sad to say goodbye to the cats for six weeks. Sophia had become
particularly attached to Daniel, and he was convinced she was unhappy
to see us go. His plaster-cast is showing clearly in this photo. |