Here are a few photos showing our family, our house, and life
here in Cyprus in 2002. You should be able to click on any of them to
get bigger pictures.
Music in our house
On New Year's Day, 1st January2002
Richard spent some time with some of our home educating friends helping
them make a family video. Their children spent the day at our house,
and spent some of their time - as ever - playing various pieces of
music together. This photo shows a piano - keyboard - clarinet attempt
which unfortunately wasn't very successful since our piano can't be
tuned to concert pitch - it's too old. The keyboard could be de-tuned
to match the piano, but the clarinet simply couldn't be made to sound
right with them, no matter how much it was transposed. |
Weeds in our garden
Despite our best efforts, the weeds grew rapidly as
soon as the rain started. There was no way I could keep pulling them
up, and our strimmer didn't begin to cope. So we finally decided to
spend some Christmas money on a lawnmower - and although we only bought
a fairly lightweight electric one (light enough for me!) the results
were quite amazing - see below for how the garden improved later in the
year. This picture shows them at their worst near the start of January. |
Country dancing in Limassol
We always enjoy the monthly gatherings with home
educators, and the weather is usually good! Here some of us are at a
meeting in February,
at the home of one of the families who live in Limassol. They overlook
a reservoir, which was fuller than we had ever seen it before, due to
the vast amount of rain we had this winter. |
Old rusty water tanks
Our cold water tank was a bit rusty when we moved into
the house, so we never used it for drinking water as there's a separate
mains tap. However by February
this year there were visible holes, and it looked as though mosquitoes
were starting to breed in the cold water tank. We contacted our
landlady, who agreed to have it replaced with a modern tank, so I took
this picture showing what the old one looked like. |
Our garden looking a little better
With regular mowing, and some weeding and rock-moving,
the garden began to look almost as if it had a lawn by March - at
least from a distance! We had one or two barbecues outside, as the
weather is perfect at this time of year. Unfortunately as soon as Greek
Orthodox Lent begins (not quite the same as our Lent) we can no longer
cook meat outside, since the Orthodox don't eat any meat during Lent,
and it would hardly be fair to waft barbecue smells around our
neighbours. |
The hailman!
Some friends came out to stay with us at the end of March. They had
been before, about the same time of year, so were not really prepared
for the wet spring we were having. One day we had hailstones as a
variation from the rain - almost marble-sized, so potentially quite
dangerous, and they stayed on the ground for quite some time. One of
our friends decided to be creative, so he built this 'hailman' in our
back garden, and it took at least a day before it had completely melted. |
More rain in Cyprus
This shows one of the days when the rain was pouring
down in April.
We don't often get British-style drizzle in Cyprus; when it rains, it
really rains! Our car was parked over the road and looked remarkably
clean afterwards. There aren't drains in most of the roads, so for a
while we had quite a stream of water pouring down the street, but it
soon evaporated once the sun came out. |
Our garden in late April
So long as the camera was positioned carefully, and
the sun was shining, and the 'lawn' (an approximate term since it's at
least 80% weeds) had been recently cut, the garden was very pleasant by
the end of April,
greener than ever due to all the rain we'd had at the beginning of the
month. |
Our bougainvillea
My parents bought me a Bougainvillea four years ago,
which we planted in our front garden. It was only about 60cm high, and
I knew nothing about these plants! However several people in our street
had gorgeous ones so we decided the location was probably good. Sure
enough, it grew rapidly that first summer, and each year it's had more
and more pink bracts from about April through the summer. Here it is in
when's at its best. |
Good Friday march in Larnaka
Eastern Easter was late this year, falling in early May. On Good
Friday evening, several of the Greek Orthodox Churches decorate coffins
with flowers, and process with them to a central meeting place for a
short service. The town band slow-march from St Lazarus Church at one
end of the sea-front. Here is one of the church groups. |
Tent at Troodos
Each year recently the home educators' island-wide
group has spent a few days camping on Troodos, at a place with
ready-erected tents. This year we went at the end of June. There were
some new family-sized tents, to replace the very old ones which were
getting rather mildewy inside, and we were the first to use them. |
Nature walk at Troodos
One of the home educating group is an expert in
biology and chemistry, and enjoys doing nature walks with the children.
Here's a group looking at various objects around the Troodos camp-site,
learning a lot with informal questions and discussion. |
Tim in London
We only spent ten days in the UK this year, again
during July.
Theatre Antidote, the drama group Daniel joined in January, won an
international competition which meant that the teenage group came to
London to perform 'Nuts' at the National Theatre. Here's Tim as we, and
my parents, spent the afternoon in London prior to seeing the
performance. |
Daniel juggling in Sussex
Afterwards we went down to Richard's mother in Sussex.
Daniel had bought several new pieces of juggling equipment while in
London, and spent considerable time learning to use them. |
Tim's Confirmation in Larnaka
In August
Tim was confirmed at St Helena's Anglican Church, by Bishop Clive of
Cyprus and the Gulf. Although we usually attend the Larnaka Community
Church (where there are far more children) we all went to the service
at St Helena's that morning, and a very pleasant celebration lunch
afterwards. |
Our living-room as it was
In the Autumn we finally got around to repainting most
of the inside of the house, which was looking rather tatty. All the
walls had magnolia paint on them when we moved in, and it was getting
distinctly grubby as well as being rather boring. But here's a view of
our living room in August,
as it was for our first few years here. |
Tim cuts the grass
In September
the weather slowly starts to cool, and it becomes possible to do a bit
of work outside in the evenings - even though by now it's getting dark
shortly after 6.30pm. Here's Tim working hard to cut some of the weeds
in the back garden. |
Dan's room after repainting
The first room we redecorated was Daniel's. All round
the house there is light boarding up to about 1.5 metres high, which
covers up the damp in the plaster that rises in most houses here. So we
decided that we would paint the ceilings and upper parts of the walls
in off-white colours, and the lower parts in darker, brighter colours.
Dan chose an attractive blue that matched well with his curtains. On
the walls is some of his own artwork. |
Tim's room after repainting
In early October
we repainted Tim's room. This took rather longer because the ceiling
was in a very bad state of repair due to repeated leaks last winter.
These had been repaired - at last! - but much of the plaster was
flaking. We had to coat it first with a mixture of PVC glue and water
to seal it, and even then it still flaked a bit and became gungy.
However at last it was ready, and looked very attractive with peach
paint on the lower part of the walls. |
Living room after repainting
The living-room/dining-room was a major undertaking
since they're really two rooms knocked into one, but there is no way of
making them separate so dust from one goes directly to the other. We
did this over two weekends in October,
piling the furniture into the other half of the room temporarily. We
chose a green-turquoise colour to blend in with the curtains in the
dining room, and were very pleased with the effect once we had finished. |
Daniel's Baptism in Larnaka sea
Dan decided to be baptised in November. Our
church does this by full immersion in the sea, so a date was chosen as
early as possible. The sun shone and the sea was lovely and warm for
him, which made it all the more pleasant. The ceremony happened after
our morning service. Here he is just afterwards, with a towel around
his neck, looking at his certificate. |
Visit to Paphos
Richard's mother came to stay in November, and
although the weather started to get cooler it was still sunny and
reasonably warm most days. We drove to Paphos one day - it takes about
an hour and a half with the motorways that have been built in the last
few years. Here we are sitting on a wall by the fort. |
The Frog Prince
This year Daniel took part for the first time in a
main production with the drama group, 'The Frog Prince' in December. He took
the title role, but as there were only four in the cast all the parts
were major! He's on the left of the picture in a brilliantly
constructed frog head. |
Cleo, Tessie and the Christmas tree
Although we don't make a huge thing of Christmas, we
do usually put up an artificial tree in December, and
place the family presents underneath. Here are two of our cats, Cleo
and Tessie, investigating what's going on and managing to pull one of
the branches down! |