Here are a few photos showing our family, our house, and life
here in Cyprus in 2003. You should be able to click on any of them to
get bigger pictures.
Country dancing in January
We enjoy getting together monthly with the island-wide
home education group. Sometimes we meet at the home of one of the
families who live just outside Limassol, in a gorgeous location
overlooking a lake. Whatever the weather in the preceding week, the sun
always seems to shine at our meetings! Here's a small group doing some
country dancing outside at our January
meeting. |
Scene from 'The Frog Prince'
Daniel played the title role in the Antidote
Theatre Christmas production, a pantomime-style play they
wrote themelves called 'The Frog Prince'. Here he is, with the
Princess, the King, and the Burger Queen being squashed between two
large pieces of polystyrene 'bread'. This production occupied him for
much of January
with performances around the island, both public ones and in some
schools. |
Kiti Beach in February
My parents came to stay in February, and
although it was quite cold for much of the time, there were a few sunny
days. One one of them, Richard took some time off work and we went for
an exhiliarating walk along Kiti Beach. In warmer weather this is one
of our favourite beaches, but it wasn't really suitable weather for
sunbathing or paddling! |
Greenery next to the motorway
- We only go to Limassol about once a month, on
average, and always enjoy noting the changes in the scenery dependent
on the weather. We'd had such a wet winter that there was grass (and
weeds) springing up almost everywhere, making the island look greener
than we had ever seen it. This is a view taken from the car as we drove
along the motorway to Limassol in late February.
Kritou Terra walk
In March
we had a home educators' day in Kritou Terra, where one of the families
were living. Sadly we had to say goodbye to them, as they were moving
back to the UK within the next few weeks. Nevertheless we had a very
pleasant day - it was surprisingly warm and sunny, and we had a
leisurely - and most interesting - walk around the neighbourhood. |
Our garden in March
After all the rain, and a determined effort on my
behalf to keep the garden tidy, it looked surprisingly good from a
distance by the end of March!
The lawnmower helped to keep the weeds short, and to encourge what
grass there was; a sickle helped to cut down the worst of the
couch-grass and tidy up some of the garden which we'd never tackled
before. |
Our garden in April
I was so pleased with how the garden looked that I
kept going - weeding, and pruning, and tidying up in general. Where
there had been piles of leaves and garden rubbish, lovely smooth
compost had appeared, so I spread that around the garden too, and then
built new compost heaps so that we could be a little more
environmentally friendly, putting kitchen peelings and grass cuttings
etc on this to feed the garden next year. I even spent some of my
birthday money on a new wheelbarrow to help with shifting the compost!
By the end of April,
when the weather was starting to warm up, we almost felt that the
garden was finished at least until the Autumn. |
Greek Easter Monday lunch
Although Easter for us was on April 20th, the
Greek Church celebrated a week later. Our church always has a lunch on
Greek Easter Monday, with the Greek Evangelical Church who share their
building with us. It takes place in the church grounds, and is usually
beautifully sunny and warm. Someone prepares meat the night before, and
it's cooked for several hours in the morning in a traditional stone
oven. |
Our bougainvillea
My parents bought me a Bougainvillea five years ago,
which we planted in our front garden. It was only about 60cm high, and
I knew nothing about these plants! However several people in our street
had gorgeous ones so we decided the location was probably good. Sure
enough, it grew rapidly that first summer, and each year it's had more
and more pink bracts from about April through the summer. Here it is in
when it was probably at its best. We haven't quite mastered the pruning
yet - it has to be cut back each Spring or it would wind its way around
all the other trees! |
Sailing with friends
In half-term week at the end of May, some friends
from the UK came out to see us, and chartered a yacht for three days.
They're qualified sailors, although as they haven't had much experience
we had to take a local skipper with us, meaning we didn't have quite as
much freedom as we'd have liked. Still, it was an interesting
experience, and Richard in particular had a wonderful time. |
Our garden in June
Already in June,
after only a month without rain, and increasing heat, our garden began
to look dry and brown. We tried watering with a sprinkler a couple of
times a week, but it was very time-consuming, and seemed to make little
difference. To keep the grass growing, it would probably be necessary
to water every day, which would be rather expensive! The grass all
grows back once it starts raining again, so we decided just to leave it. |
Mackenzy beach picnic
At the end of June
( which is the end of the school year in Cyprus) there's usually an
inter-church beach picnic on MacKenzy beach, near the airport. This
year was well-supported, and at the end some of the youth group did a
sketch. Here's Daniel taking part as a presenter. |
Recorder playing at Troodos camp
Every summer the island-wide Cyprus home educators'
group try to get away for at least a few days in the mountains, at a
campsite in Troodos. This year we went away at the start of July, although
only three families managed to get there! Here's a small group
(including Daniel) playing recorders one morning, with Timothy on
percussion. |
Water-balloon volleyball in Troodos
One of the activities which always proves popular at
our summer camps is volleyball with a difference.. instead of a ball,
we blow up balloons and fill them with water. Each team takes a large
sheet, and they volley the balloons (one at a time) to and fro over the
net for as long as possible. Inevitably the balloons burst eventually,
but in July
- even up in the mountains - that leads to a refreshing splash. |
Visit to Aztekas
In August
some friends came out to stay from the UK for a week. It was hot, but
they rented a car and went out to various places, as well as swimming
every day. One evening they took us out for a meal, and we went to the
Mexican restaurant Aztekas which we all enjoy, and which does an
excellent vegetarian selection (since two of the party are veggie). We
ate outside and had a very pleasant evening. |
A music day
Since our friends are musical, and the boys had been
wanting to arrange a 'music day' with a couple of other families we
know, we decided to have this while our friends were here, right at the
end of August.
We stayed in the air conditioning for most of the time, and everyone
seemed to enjoy themselves in various musical combinations. Here's Tim
on the guitar. |
In Sussex
In September
we returned to the UK for four weeks. When we arrived we spent a few
days with Richard's mother in Sussex, and Tim was reunited with one of
the neighbour's cats who befriended him last time we were there, and
who seems to consider him her personal property. Here they are lying on
the lawn on one of the warm days that England surprised us with. |
A wedding in Reading
The reason we went to the UK in September was
that Sue's brother was getting married. The wedding was held in Reading
University, and it was lovely to catch up with the extended family.
Here's a general shot showing the huge tree that was outside the hall
where the actual wedding was held. The weather was just about perfect -
26C and sunny all day. |
Daniel learns to make 'poi'
A few days after we returned to Cyprus in October, a home
educating family from the UK came to spend a week in Cyprus, and that
included a day with us. We got talking about juggling, one of Daniel's
hobbies, and they told us how to make 'poi', using tennis balls, old
socks, and string! These can be used for warming up, or for general
exercise. Daniel quickly learned how to do the basics, and learned more
through searching the Internet for relevant instructions and videos. |
Our dry garden
By October,
the garden is always brown, and looks almost dead. It's hard to believe
that it will spring to life again within a couple of months. There was
a little rain in September, and a bit more in October, but nothing like
enough to encourage the grass to start growing. At least it looked
reasonably tidy after our efforts earlier in the year. |
A refurbished house
There's lots of building work in Larnaka, partly
because so many people keep moving here, and partly because many of the
houses - like ours - are fifty or more years old, and in need of a lot
of work. All too often they're knocked down and replaced with blocks of
flats. There were two houses not far from ours, both of which were in
terrible condition, so we were very pleased to see that one of them was
stripped down and refurbished in traditional style rather than being
replaced by flats. It took over a year, but was finally complete by November. |
Two of our cats, feeling the cold
Cats all have quite distinct personalities - something
which isn't nearly so obvious in a single-cat household. Our four have
developed their own hierarchy, and will only eat or play together in
certain combinations. The two who seem to dislike each other the most
are Cleo (our first, and most nervous cat) and Tessa (our fourth,
unrelated to the others). Yet once the weather cools down, and they
begin to sleep indoors again, there seems to be some kind of truce: I
was surprised to find Tessa and Cleo asleep on the same sofa one day in
November. |
Larnaka beach, deserted in December
Although Larnaka is a hive of activity, and the
beaches - even the small one along the sea-front - are packed with
people from about March until the end of October, they become quite
deserted in the Winter. The mattresses from the sunbeds and the covers
from the parasols are all packed away, to protect them from the hail
and extreme winds that sometimes arrive. Walking along the beach on a
cold, grey day in December,
it looks almost like a ghost beach, with only the skeletons of the
parasols and the empty sunbeds visible. |
The Larnaka Municipal Band play carols
Daniel plays clarinet with the Larnaka Municipal Band,
who practise two evenings per week,and take part in various concerts
throughout the year. One of the popular events is their carol concert
which takes place in December,
usually the Sunday before Christmas, at around 11am. In previous years
this has been outside the CYTA building right in the centre of Larnaka,
but in 2003 it was outside St Lazarus Church - a much nicer spot. |