This page shows a few photos showing our family, our house,
and life here in Cyprus in 2005. Click on any of them to get bigger
pictures. For more recent photos and descriptions of life in Cyprus, see my Cyprus blog.
Wet patio in January
this year was wet, but not too cold. There has been so much rain this
winter that our back garden was looking greener than we could ever
remember it for this time of year - and as everything grows so fast, I
had to keep up with the weeding too. Early in the month leaves fall
from the pomegranate and some other trees, giving an almost Autumnal
image despite being the middle of winter. |
Jemima on the steps
Our cats all like to sit on the steps outside the back
door, watching life go by and occasionally stalking birds or small
reptiles. Here's Jemima, looking very fluffy with her thick winter
coat, sitting in the sunshine. There's a ledge over the steps meaning
that this spot stays dry even when it's pouring outside. You can just
about see how much work really needs to be done on this house - the
whole outside could do with painting, and the door-frame is really in
quite bad condition. But nobody knows if the house will remain standing
more than a couple more years. |
Lemon tree
was also quite wet, with a distintly chilly patch towards the
beginning. An advantage of a wet winter is prolifically fruiting citrus
trees - here's just one of our four lemon trees which continually
fruited from about December onwards. I expect the compost helped too,
and my regular watering last summer, but the rain of this winter must
have made a significant difference too. We were making lemonade every
week and hardly making any difference to the number of fruit on the
trees. |
Green garden
Every year I take photos of the back garden - to
people in England it seems obvious that a garden would be green, but
even after seven and a half years in Cyprus, it still feels like a
novelty! And every year the garden gets greener as more bare patches
start producing grass and weeds. Keeping it cut regularly gives the
impression of a lawn, something we missed very much when we first moved
here. |
New sofas
In March
we finally bought a couple of new two-seater sofas, to replace an
ancient (and very uncomfortable) one we bought second-hand when we
moved here. These were made by a local furniture store at a very
reasonable price, and are remarkably comfortable. Most sofas available
here are leather or leather-look, at great price, but even if we had
liked them they would have been silly to buy with four cats in the
house. We chose a style which shouldn't show the odd scratch, although
of course we're discouraging the cats from treating them like trees! |
Far end flowers
This is the first year I've seriously weeded the far
end of the garden, and planted out some flowers. Just the usual
geraniums, petunias and the like which should last until June or so.
Bedding plant season is very different from the UK! I don't know how
well they'll grow - this part of the garden gets a lot of sun, which is
fine at this time of year but may be too much for them once it gets
hotter. Still, it's nice to have a bit of extra colour and an
interesting experiment. Of course the weeds continue to grow much
faster than any flowers. |
Looking down the garden
In April
the garden was greener than I think we had ever seen it before, and
tidier too! The plants at the far end were becoming well-established,
Tim was keeping the 'lawn' cut almost weekly, and there was still a
reasonable amount of rain. Of course the weeds kept growing, and it was
a losing battle trying to keep them down, but still I felt quite
pleased with how it all looked, certainly compared to how it was a few
years ago. |
Mespila, almost ripe
The first of our fruit - the loquats, or mespila as
they're called in Cyprus, are usually ripe around the last week of
April. At first I cook them to freeze or make jam as they're a bit
tart, but by May they're delicious to eat fresh from the tree. There
weren't too many on the tree we have in the back garden, but the one in
the front was loaded with fruit this year. |
Feral kittens
Just as we thought we were all settled and not much
was going to change, we found ourselves having to foster seven feral
kittens whose mother was run over. In the middle of May we found
these poor little orphans in a hedge near the front of our driveway,
only about three weeks old. I bottle -fed them at first, and kept them
clean, and to my delight (and surprise) they all survived the first few
weeks. |
Cyprus rain!
Rain at this time of year is fairly unusual - although
it happened a couple of years ago - but two hours of torrential rain on
the last day of the month was almost unbelievable! We watched the patio
flooding, and the garden too since the soil had hardened in the
sunshine. Friends mentioned that they collected about two inches of
water - a huge amount for two hours. Of course Tim's ceiling leaked
too... |
Goodbye kitties
Alas, we couldn't find homes for the feral kittens,
and there was no way we could keep all seven of them. Several people
advised us to send them to the Animal Sanctuary in Paphos, where they
would either be well-fed and looked after, or would be adopted by
people looking for kittens. So we borrowed a fairly large cage, so at
the end of June
we took them to the Cat Protection League charity shop in Larnaka,
where they were taken by lorry to Paphos. |
Our four cats had been rather suspicious of the feral
kittens, but hadn't actually attacked them. However it probably
wouldn't have been long before they were seen as a threat, so although
it was sad, it was just as well to let them go. Here's one of our cats,
Sophia, sitting at the front of the house and generally watching the
world go by. Or perhaps she was hoping Daniel would return from his trip to the Doulos..
Tugboat in Limassol
July was a special month for us, as we celebrated 25
years of marriage. At the start of the month, we took a five-day
mini-cruise around some Greek islands on the SS Aussonia. It was
excellent despite a few minor problems. Here we are being towed out of
Limassol harbour the first afternoon, by a little tugboat. |
Anniversary flowers
On the actual anniversary date my sister sent us these
wonderful flowers - ordered from the UK, sent from Nicosia by the local
courier. It was a lovely surprise! They looked gorgeous and lasted over
a week; we kept the basket to use for fruit afterwards. |