Here are a few photos showing our family, our house, and life
here in Cyprus from the time we moved here in October 1997 until the
end of 1998. You should be able to click on any of them to get bigger
pictures, in the main photo gallery pages.
View over the
Larnaka rooftops
We arrived in Cyprus from the UK in the last week of October 1997
and stayed for a couple of weeks in a furnished flat. My initial
impression was of somewhere too hot, and surprisingly Middle Eastern
with flat roofs and white buildings everywhere. This is the view over
Larnaka from the flat - quite a contrast to leafy Bournville where we
had lived in Birmingham. |
Empty house
After checking various other options we decided to
move into a large house with gigantic garden - needing some of work
done on it, but the rent is very reasonable. The entrance hall is a
huge octagonal room with all the other rooms going off it - rather
echoey and depressing before being furnished. |
Cape Greco beach in November
In the UK, November
is usually grey and rainy, so despite my homesickness and general
overwhelm at the new situation, I did appreciate a pleasant day on a
beautiful beach at the start of the month. The temperature was about
25C, and there was a gentle breeze making it a perfect day for a picnic. |
Our house
All Richard's colleagues turned up to help, and with
mostly borrowed furniture we moved in to the house we had chosen on
November 8th. It's a bungalow with four bedrooms, one of which will be
our guest room, doubling as a study. There's only one bathroom but the
grounds are enormous! We definitely want some outside space even though
we had not envisaged quite this amount. |
Cycling in the Salt Lake Park in Larnaka
One of the first things we bought after arrival was
some reasonably quality bikes for Richard and the boys. Most of his
colleagues cycle around Larnaka; it's a small enough place that there
doesn't seem to be any need for cars. I said I would rather walk, so we
didn't get a bike for me! Tim isn't yet a great cyclist so we spent
some time during December
driving to the Salt Lake Park where there are some wide paths ideal for
learning. |
Tim singing a solo
The local Protestant churches always organise a
concert about a week before Christmas, with an inter-church choir
singing some special songs, and congregational carols for all. It seems
to be extremely popular locally. The boys were pleased to find a choir
they could join as they both enjoy singing, and Tim was asked to sing
the first verse of 'Once in Royal David's city' as a solo - which he
did with confidence. |
Our dining room
We borrowed a sofa and chairs,
bought a table and acquired a gas heater making our dining room a much
pleasanter place for guests. We tend to eat in the kitchen when we're
on our own - for one thing it's warmer in January, which
is quite a chilly time of year, and for another it seems like quite a
hassle carrying food and plates to and fro since they're at opposite
sides of the house. But we set the boys' computer up in the dining
room, so they spend quite a bit of time there. |
Our 'Atrium'
The central room became much
pleasanter when we had put down large rugs (left behind by our
landlady) and installed some borrowed furniture. The echo has reduced
to acceptable levels, and we enjoy using the kerosene-based heater that
manages to reduce the chill factor quite significantly. High ceilings
and marble floors are not ideal for these cold winter temperatures! |
Lemon trees in our back garden
The garden is far too big, really, but we do
appreciate the citrus trees. Picking oranges still seems like quite a
novelty, and now it's February
we're working our way through the lemons! We could not understand why
anyone would plant four large lemon trees at first, but having
discovered how to make lemonade we're finding we get through them
rapidly. |
Tim cooking
- Tim has always enjoyed helping in the kitchen; at
nine he's quite responsible now and enjoys assisting with meals or even
making them himself from scratch. Here he is in our kitchen carefully
stirring something in a saucepan.
Kiti beach
Sometimes we borrow a vehicle from Richard's work and
drove a little way out of Larnaka to explore. One of the nicest beaches
is the unspoilt Kiti. We went there one Sunday afternoon in March for a
walk with a friend when the weather was fairly warm, but the sky was
grey, and the usually smooth surface of the sea was beginning to
develop definite waves with white horse peaks. |
Rain at Kiti
Already we're getting used to the quick changes of
weather in Cyprus - our pleasant afternoon's walk was interrupted by a
sudden downpour, although unfortunately we forgot to take kagoules.
Fortunately there were some beach parasols still remaining from last
summer, so we were able to take shelter until the rain stopped and we
were able to get back to the car. |
Larnaka beach in April
Friends came out to stay during the Easter break in April, and the
weather was mostly very good. Here is Daniel (now acclimatised quite
well, wearing long trousers and a sweatshirt) with our friend's
daughter. They were creating something in sand at our local beach which
is about ten minutes' walk from our house. |
At the end of the month my parents came to visit us.
By then the weather was gettng distinctly hot at times, but we still
managed to do some more exploring. We looked at part of the ancient
site of Kition, the town which was supposedly built by one of Noah's
grandsons and is mostly now underneath Larnaka. Some sections have been
excavated and are open to the public although we were surprised to find
no protection against rain or sunshine. |
Daniel plays the clarinet
Daniel had learned to play the clarinet in his school
in Birmingham, and passed the RSM grade 3 exam after just a year. He
was very eager to continue to learn when we moved to Cyprus but we
found it surprisingly difficult to discover a teacher. Schools don't
offer music at all (other than basic recorder at secondary level!) and
while there are several small music schools, they mostly seem to focus
on stringed instruments. Still, Daniel played his clarinet in the
church music group and eventually we discovered that the Municipal Band
leader would give lessons, so long as Daniel was prepared to join the
band when he is old enough. |
Tim plays the piano
Before we left the UK, Daniel had also been learning
the piano for two years and Timothy for one year. Both were keen to
continue so we were delighted that one of Richard's colleagues was able
to teach them. We were given, on long-term loan a lovely old piano
which was considerably nicer than the one we had in England! |
Cats in our kitchen
In June
we half-adopted a kitten which we called Felix (or Felikos) since his
mother kept trying to abandon him. As the weather was warm and he was a
feral cat, we didn't encourage him in the house... however he and his
mother kept making their way in, so we gave them bits of cat food and
some milk. |
Tim in Cyprus Cub uniform
Tim had enjoyed being part of the Greek Cub Scout pack
for a few months, despite knowing very little Greek. There was a big
end-of-year show one evening towards the end of June, in which he was
taking part with some songs. We (the boys and I) were going to the UK
for July, and found it much better value to fly before the end of June
before 'high season' started, but we timed it so that we could go to
the show before we left - not that we understood very much since all
the lengthy speeches were in Greek! |
Baby Cleo
Back in August,
Felikos had sadly died while we were away despite Richard's best
efforts to look after him. Perhaps he was never going to survive, and
that's why his mother tried to abandon him. So we adopted another stray
kitten, found in Nicosia by a friend. This kitten was small and
straggly, very hungry and rather suspicious... but soon adjusted to
being bottle-fed regularly. Here she is with Tim feeding her. Our
friend named her Cleopatra since she was discovered in a box containing
chocolate milk - but it was far too long a name for such a small
kitten, so it was quickly abbreviated to Cleo. |
Cleo outside
Later in the month Cleo started exploring outside -
here she is trying to hide amongst the leaves of the bougainvillea in
our front garden. The bougainvillea was bought by my parents in April
and grew rapidly during the hotter months. Cleo liked climbing although
she still seemed a straggly little thing. |
Tim had his tenth birthday in September
1998. Since we're home educating we could take a day off from our
normal work; I asked what he would like to do best, and he said he
would like a family game of Monopoly! None of the rest of us much like
this game but Tim loves it, and with my educators' hat on I suppose it
could even be considered maths - not quite Numeracy Hour, but
definitely related to business and finance. |
Archictecture at Kiti
At tne end of the month my brother came to stay, so we
took more time off to do some outings. One day we went to Kiti beach -
we usually take our visitors to the beach far more often than we go on
our own! The boys enjoy the freedom of large expanses of
sand, and usually build complex and interesting towns or
cities. Here is Daniel with an Egyptian style settlement he
created, complete with pyramids, ziggurat and (by his right hand) a
Sphinx. |
In the mountains of Cyprus there are still some old
towns which have changed little over the centuries. Lefkara,
about half an hour's drive from our house, is famous for a particular
kind of lace-making. We sometimes take visitors to see the
demonstration and hear how this traditional craft is carried on.
Richard's mother came to stay in October, and we
all went to Lefkara for the morning. |
Roller-hockey (approximately)
A creative way of getting some exercise here:
Daniel and Timothy, on roller blades, are playing something
roughly related to roller-hockey on our patio. They're using
large brooms for the sticks, and the puck was a tennis ball. |
Cleo and the K'nex dinosaur
By November
Cleo had become an attractive and elegant-looking cat. She was still
very nervous, though. When Daniel made a K'nex vehicle which moved
along the floor when switched on, poor Cleo was very puzzled but not
brave enough to attack! |
By the end of the month, the bougainvillea which my
parents bought me seven months previously had grown to the top of the
pillars outside our house, and was blooming in gorgeous deep pink
bracts. These are not flowers - it's the leaves themselves which change
colour, apparently, but the effect is of wonderful flowers which seem
to last most of the year. |
Christmas Day
The year seemed to have rushed past and before we knew
where we were it was December
again. The boys took part in the annual concert in the town hall again,
and we put up the same Christmas tree. Presents arrived from relatives
in the UK, and since we were going out for lunch we opened the gifts
first thing in the morning before church. |
Cleo and the wrappings
It was Cleo's first Christmas, and we were
particularly pleased that she was wish us since she had disappeared for
several hours on Christmas Eve. Here she is investigating some of the
wrapping paper after we had opened all the presents. |