Life in Cyprus: 2003
January: - cold, rain, a poorly designed kettle, and the last public 'Frog Prince'
February: yet more wintry weather, a visit from my parents, guided walks in Larnaka
March: still cold and rainy. A couple of day trips out, and a concerted attempt to get rid of the snails in our garden
April: A late Spring gives us the chance to work hard in the garden, cutting the last of the long weeds, and organising compost heaps
May: a heatwave followed by the first roaches, musical activities and a sailing trip with friends
June: more insects around the house, hotter weather, and a wedding at our church
July: brief camps in the mountains, ants invading the house, far too hot to do anything much in the daytime
August: hot and humid, with a brief trip to the North of Cyprus, and a week-long visit from some friends
September: a month in the UK seeing family and friends, and attending my brother's wedding
October: regular activities start again; Daniel learns to make and use 'poi'.
November: surprisingly warm and dry; saying goodbye to one family and another friend.
December: music, drama, and loads of rain; Christmas activities and 'The Dancing Bear'.
Christmas newsletter: brief summary of the whole year, sent to family and friends
Photo gallery 2003: just the photos from the monthly pages with brief descriptions and links to bigger versions